Clinical Research Trials for the St. Louis Community & Beyond

Clinical Trials are Research Studies in which you can volunteer to help find answers to specific health questions. When carefully conducted, they are the safest and fastest way to find new treatments and ways to improve health.

Medicine, Science, and Patient Care would not be where they are today without advances made through Clinical Research.  It is this potential to impact, treat, or prevent medical conditions that reinforces our commitment to brining clinical research studies to the St. Louis community and beyond.

Want to make a difference? Consider joining a clinical trial.

Contact us today and learn how you can join the search for better treatment options.

About Us

  • Our Mission

    Improve health by advancing treatments through clinical research trials delivered safely with quality, accuracy and integrity.

  • Our Vision

    We strive to offer our community hope and opportunity through access to innovative options for treatment of a diverse group of medical conditions and diseases.

  • Our Values

    We hold ourselves accountable to the values of Excellence, Safety, Respect, Compassion, and Innovation.

  • Trials

    Clinical drug trials allow researchers to pinpoint effective therapies that help heal people with debilitating diseases that would otherwise not be treated.

  • Studies

    Studies are generally chosen by the estimated effectiveness of treatments currently in development. We only study therapies that have the potential to help.

  • Therapeutic Research

    Therapeutic research is research that directly intends to help participants by means of therapies designed to help improve symptoms and diseases.

  • Equipment and Procedures

    We use technologically advanced equipment and procedures to ensure the highest level of research capability and accuracy standards for every trial.